TheStargateProgram Wikia
Spaceforce Captain
27 Spaceforce Captain
Basic Information
Short Hand CAP
Pay Grade SF-18
Previous Rank Spaceforce Vice Captain
Next Rank Spaceforce Fleet Captain

Captain is the second highest supreme level of senior officer in the Tau'ri Space Force, they wear bronze uniforms and dress suits with black epaulettes on them. On these they wear their yellow kite, two purple bar insignia on either side. They also wear their insignia on their chest with their medals and badges.


A Captain has no equivalent rank in the armed forces of the world. As the Tau'ri Space Force is set up to be a much larger force then any nation's army, a whole set of in-between officers was required. All space force captain class officers therefore fall between colonel and general, captain and admiral. No one can be transferred into this rank, promotion to it only happens by the Space Force Internal Promotion Board. They are considered division grade officers (DGO). They therefore can be put in in charge of three to five thousand crewman as their direct superior officer.


As a Vice Captain you are directly in charge over a group of First Lieutenants, you will never take command of a minor class vessel unless there is no Vice Captain present. On a medium class vessel you generally be the first-in-charge, if not you are the second-in-charge. Technically all officers on the ship report to you as you are their direct superior officer. You are expected to make monthly reports on the functioning of the crew and ship as a whole. On a major class vessel you are generally either the second or third-in-charge. You are the ruler of your ship, but not its king, all those in your commands are your fellows not your servants. Everyone follows your lead as you are in-charge of all major decisions on board and you are responsible for all decisions made by your officers. You will also be assigned a Senior Cadet Ensign to function as your administrative assistant or technical steward, depending on which master degree you have gotten.


Promotion to this rank is expected to happen to 70% of all Vice Captains after they have served for four years. Those that have served for 5 years as a vice captain are allowed to send a promotion request to the Space Force Internal Promotion Board. They then either decide to promote you within seven weeks after receiving the request or they decline your request and reassign you to a teaching position. They might also promote you an extra rank to Fleet Captain but this is has never been done as of yet.

Demotion and Dismissal[]

As a command senior officer you are expected to be able to deal with any situation you might come across on your own cognisance . Abuse of power of a sexual nature will lead to an immediate court martial in which you will face dismissal from service, while other abuses of power and severe insubordination will lead to a reprimand, before it leads to a court martial or demotion.

